Sunday, 15 February 2015

Pemimpin Melayu Malaysia perlu contohi Sultan Brunei

  • Ketegasan Sultan Brunei menghadapi kritikan Barat ketika melaksanakan perundangan hudud wajar dicontohi pemimpin Melayu di Malaysia.
  • Sultan Hasanal Bolkiah cukup berani mempertahan hak kerajaan Melayu, perundangan dan pemerintahan monarki daripada kecaman Kristian Barat yang menggunakan media CNN untuk mengancam Brunei kerana melansanakan perundangan syariah.
  • Blok Barat mahu memboikot semua hotel dan kepentingan Brunei di seluruh dunia. Sultan Hasanalbolkiah tidak gentar dengan amaran itu sebaliknya menjawab dengan tegas seperti berikut:
  • In your countries you practice freedom of speech, freedom of press, freedom of religion, etc. It's in your constitution. It's your political system, your national identity, your rights, your way of life.
  • In my country, we practice a Malay, Islamic, Monarchical system and we're going to start practicing the laws of Islam, Sharia Law . Islam is in our constitution, our national identity, our rights, our way of life.
  • We may find loopholes in your laws and justice system and you may have found ours, but this is our country. Just like you practice your right to be gay, etc. for this world you live in now, we practice our rights to be Muslims for this world and the Hereafter.
  • This is an Islamic country practising Islamic law. Why don't you worry about your kids being gunned down in schools, worry about your prisons being unable to accommodate convicts, worry about your high rate of crimes and DUIs, worry about your high suicide and abortion rate, worry about whatever it is that you should be worried about THERE.
  • Many religions are against homosexuality, it's nothing new. The moment you hear that Islam and Muslims making a stand and trying to reaffirm their faith, you judge, you boycott, you say that it's wrong, it's stupid, it's barbaric.
  • Again, go back to those worries that you should focus on I've mentioned earlier. Is it not wrong to legalize deadly weapons, is it not wrong to allow unborn babies to be killed, is it not wrong to allow a lifestyle that results in AIDS and discontinuation of the next generation?
  • Why do you care so much what's happening here in an Islamic nation when you didn't even bat an eyelid about the Syrians, Bosnians, Rohingyas, Palestinians,etc. Thousands are being killed there and you don't care, not one is killed here under this Sharia Law, and you make a big fuss, even when the citizens here who are directly affected by it, accepts it with peace.
  • Punishments may be harsher but it does not mean it's easier to be carried out. There are processes to go through before an actual conviction. We are fine with it, we are happy. Brunei United.
  • Lihatlah betapa Sultan Hasanalbolkiah mempertahankan Islam, bangsa Melayu dan sistem beraja yang menjadi warisan sejak ratusan tahun yang lalu.
  • Sikap seperti ini perlu dicontohi oleh semua pemimpin Melayu di Malaysia. Namun keberanian itu hanya dipamerkan oleh segelintir pemimpin dan pejuang NGO saja.
  • Kalangan para menteri Melayu, kebanyakan mereka hanya berbicara pada nada sederhana untuk menyelamatkan diri dalam parti dan kementerian. Apakah mereka masih lagi mahu menghormati MCA sedangkan parti itu sendiri tolak hudud mentah-mentah dan sanggup bersekongkol dengan DAP untuk memprotes Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob dengan tuduhan sebagai pemimpin rasis.
  • Sikap MCA bagaikan `kaduk naik ke junjung’. Jika UMNO tidak dapat menyelesaikan isu pengkhianatan MCA, biarlah NGO-NGO Melayu masuk ke gelanggang untuk berdepan dengan MCA dan kaum Cina yang terang-terang anti kerajaan Melayu. -- Laporan Zaki GRP

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